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The Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore Diet

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Shawn Baker’s Carnivore Diet is a revolutionary, paradigm-breaking nutritional strategy that takes contemporary dietary theory and dumps it on its head. It breaks just about all the “rules” and delivers outstanding results. At its heart is a focus on simplicity rather than complexity, subtraction rather than addition, making this an incredibly effective diet that is also easy to follow.

Carnivore Diet reviews some of the supporting evolutionary, historical, and nutritional science that gives us clues as to why so many people are having great success with this meat-focused way of eating. It highlights dramatic real-world transformations experienced by people of all types. Common disease conditions that are often thought to be lifelong and progressive are often reversed on this diet, and in this book, Baker discusses some of the theory behind that phenomenon as well. It outlines a comprehensive strategy for incorporating the Carnivore Diet as a tool or a lifelong eating style, and Baker offers a thorough discussion of the most common misconceptions about this diet and the problems people have when transitioning to it.

1 review for The Carnivore Diet

  1. eataupa

    From Freda on Amazon:

    “I’ve spent my entire life questioning the system and going against the grain. I was a vegetarian, a vegan, a raw vegan and a Seventh Day Adventist during my 20’s. I had a lot of health problems as a teenager and was in search for answers. I tried the no meat approach and got only sicker, more depressed, weaker, fatter and just plain miserable. I remember the first time I decided I was going to eat meat again and had some roasted chicken. I couldn’t stop eating it. It was so delicious. While I started eating meat again, I was still deeply entrenched in the ideas that I needed greens too so I ate a lot of chicken salads. I didn’t start eating more red meat until I learned about Weston A. Price and even then I was only eating red meat several times a week. Even though I adopted all the beliefs of the Weston A. Price foundation and incorporated them into my daily life for several years, I just kept getting sicker and sicker and sicker. I then switched to a Paleo Diet felt better, hopped over to a Keto Diet (indulging on copious amounts of fat and low protein) and while I felt better for a couple of months, I was losing gobs of hair and then my health took a turn for the worst. At that point, I was forced into an all-red meat diet before there was even a term for it. I started reading Protein Power by Dr. Michael Eades and learned how important animal protein was to the body. I was scared because all I could eat was red meat. I couldn’t handle anything else but red meat. My body would blow up like a balloon if I tried to eat anything else. My digestive system could only handle red meat. Magically, within 6 months I got better. I mean I just didn’t get better I was a freaking superhero. I became so lean and stronger than I had ever been in my life. I was able to do 10 hallow body (true) pull-ups and human flags. I couldn’t even hold myself up to the bar during our high school physical ed testing. Here at 34 years old, I was a beast. I did “carnivore” for about 18 months and as my body healed I began to add more foods back into my diet and that was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. I was still under the belief system that red meat was bad and caused cancer and there wasn’t enough information still about eating just red meat. So I started adding back chicken and protein shakes and replaced my red meat which went back down to only eating a couple of times a week. Within 2 years my health my a drastic and sharp decline to the point where I was turning blue/purple, my blood pressure was dropping so low I could barely walk/stand and I would pass out. I was having severe neurological issues, digestive issues and more. By the time I found a holistic doctor I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr, Lyme disease, hypothyroid nd more. I then started my $1000 a month supplement program which included bio-identical hormone therapy, thyroid medications, and a host of other crap I had to swallow. In the beginning, I was grateful to get some sort of normal life back, but then I started questioning everything. Not to mention spending $1000 a month on supplements just to stay awake sucked. I kept asking there MUST be a better way. Then in December of 2018 I started making serious changes. By March I came across Shawn’s Instagram page and followed. When I reached out to him and he told me he takes ZERO supplements I was floored. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was like HOW is that even possible. We’ve been conditioned to believe that we can’t survive without supplements today because we are deficient, the soil is deficient and therefore if we don’t supplement we are deficient. Like every time I would get my blood tested I was always super low in magnesium no matter how much oral supplements I would swallow or how much magnesium I would slather on my body or Epsom salt baths I would take, I was low. But, after reading Shwan’s book, I understand why. More importantly, since I’ve doubled up on my red meat, I don’t NEED as much magnesium anymore. By July of 2019, I was able to come off of pretty much EVERYTHING. As I write this review, I still can’t believe I quit everything and I feel the best and I have the CONFIDENCE now with this book. I have the research to back it up which I didn’t have before and a community of like-minded people who also are thriving and that is huge. I’ve been low carb for a long time so the transition was easy for me and now you couldn’t get me to touch chicken. All I eat is red meat and raw milk. I’ve even cut back significantly on my water consumption. Today I’m 47 years old, I feel like I’m aging backward and the things I can do with my body are incredible. Shawn is 100% correct about the Seventh Day Adventist’s hand in shaping our nutritional advice. This book will really make you think about EVERYTHING. Even in Keto land most of the KETO players have to “fill the nutritional gap” and sell crap. Their keto coaching and culture is founded on all their foods and supplements. They all have something to sell whether it is supplements, collagen protein or expensive junk food bars. If you have to “fill the gap” it isn’t a sustainable diet and who the hell wants to walk around pricking their fingers or peeing on sticks and hoping for ketones and just being obsessed in general. I love this diet because it is so simple; eat when you’re hungry, drink when you’re thirsty, eat red meat! Shawn has changed my life and I’m so grateful for this book! I’d give it 10 stars if it would let me.”

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