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Affiliate Guide

Thanks for becoming an AUPA Affiliate!

On this page you’ll find everything you need to use our affiliate program.

Affiliate Registration

If you have not registered yet, please head on over to the Affiliate Registration page to sign up.

If you already have an affiliate account, please login and skip the rest of this section.

Once on the affiliate registration page, fill out the necessary input fields. Please use you real name and email in order to make payouts simple and straight-forward. Once all required fields are complete, click ‘register’. You should be greeted with a confirmation message telling you that your application is successful and you’re awaiting an admin approval. If you didn’t get a confirmation message and the page just refreshed, don’t worry, this is a bug and we are trying to fix a caching issue with the page! In the event of the page refreshing and no confirmation, please check your email and ensure your registration went through.

After you click register, please confirm you received the emails; one for your AUPA account registration confirmation and a second for your affiliate registration. Please check your spam folder as we’re seeing about 20% of our emails wind up in people’s spam folders!

Please be patient while we look over you info and accept or deny your application. Most likely you’ll be accepted.


Current affiliate rates are 5% back for the affiliate and 5% back for the potential customer. 

How To Use

Our system should be very easy to use. Each affiliate will be assigned a unique coupon code to provide potential customers. The potential customer must use your unique coupon code at checkout in order for you to earn commission. 


You will have the option to get paid using PayPal or Bitcoin. We’ll manually monitor all affiliate accounts and payout once the account reaches $50. We’ll contact you once this happens. If you’d like a payout earlier, please contact us and we’ll get you paid! 

AUPA’s affiliate program is in alpha right now, for this reason payouts will be processed manually. If you are interested in Bitcoin payouts, we’ll contact you prior to your payout and confirm your bitcoin address. Your account balance will be measured and grown in dollars. If bitcoin payout is preferred, we’ll send you the dollar equivalent in Bitcoin at the moment of payout. We use Bitstamp as our preferred BTC/USD exchange rate.

If you choose PayPal payout, please set your proper PayPal email in your affiliate settings in the Affiliate Dashboard.

Affiliate Dashboard

After you’ve applied and been approved, you will be able to access your affiliate dashboard.

To access you Affiliate Dashboard please login first using the main dropdown menu.

Then you can follow these instructions:

1) Click the main dropdown menu in the upper left hand corner. 

2) Find and click the ‘Account’ option.

3) Find and click the ‘Affiliate’ option.

4) This is the Affiliate dashboard, take a few minutes and look around. 

You can also access this page directly:

The dashboard should be straight-forward but here is a simple explanation of each tab. 


This tab will show you a top-level overview of your account.


This tab will list all of you referral commissions you’ve earned. 


This tab lists all the instances your potential customers have clicked into. It will show you which clicks and links have converted into a sale and which have not. This only works if you’ve generated links to specific products. Right now we recommend not using this and simply using your unique coupon code.


This tab will show your unique coupon code. You must advertise this coupon code to potential customers and they must use your unique coupon code at checkout to apply earning to your account.


This tab shows you a historical record of all payments AUPA has sent you. 

Link Generator

This tab allows you to create customer link to a specific product. We’ve decided this in not the easiest method to use. We recommend to not use these “affiliate links” and rather simply have your potential customers use your unique coupon code at checkout.


This tab has some important settings you can configure. Please ignore the ‘Direct / Bank transfer’ settings for now as we’re planning to use ‘PayPal MassPay’. Please input your PayPal email address in the field. We have a plan to implement Bitcoin payouts soon!

We recommend turning both toggle sliders on to receive email updates about new and paid commissions. 

Make sure to click ‘Save Info’ at the page bottom.




If you have any questions, please send us a message on Twitter or email us at