Where We’re At


Sitting on the couch with the kids watching Back to the Future makes me think about the future, the present, and the past, and when it comes to AUPA we’re constantly thinking of all three. New flavors, larger quantities, and sources straight from farmers we call friends make up some of my dreams of the future. The past is a checklist of tasks, hurdles many small businesses have to jump to move forward in what often feels like a race. But in the words of Alan Watts, “the past and future are real illusions that exist in the present which is what there is and all there is.”

So where are we at present? As one of our first pioneering allies in this endeavor, an endeavor to create long lasting real food that you can trust, we want to give you a status update.


We rented and moved into our commercial kitchen out of our home kitchen at the beginning of the year and have spent the time to clean it up and figure out our flow. We’ve invested in equipment and tested out various methods to get all the ingredients and bars exactly the way we want with numerous test batches.

We’ve jumped through all the city, county, and state hoops and as you may guess the bureaucracy of the federal government is slow and archaic but we’re on the path to fulfilling our USDA inspection currently. Once we get the approval from them we can start cranking out some bars. Of course we need to be realistic here. We’re two people who also split the job of raising two miniature humans, a dog, and flocks of chicken and quail. A work life balance is something we strive for but don’t always hit, either the living room is in disarray or our inbox is left unread, we are imperfect after all.

Besides the status of our new kitchen, inspection, and highly anticipated batches of bars soon to be handmade and hand wrapped, we’ve got a few more exciting tidbits rolling in.

Our shirts have arrived, 3 simple T’s we designed ourselves.

I Eat Vegans, Chad and the Vegan, and a little less cutting, Live Untamed.



Our hats have shown up too. Pretty exciting times for a small business.



Our interview with the Boulder County Farmer’s Market staff just went down and our samples are being reviewed by their judges to see if we earn a guest spot at their market this season. It would be a huge boost in getting AUPA in front of new eyes and samples to the health conscious community of Boulder County.

Oh and get this awesome news we received today: The test batch samples we sent in for lab analysis prove that our processes leave our bars free and clear from all the contaminates meat based businesses have to be aware of. And our water activity tests came back so low that we believe shelf life of our bars is impeccable if stored properly. Tell your prepper friends!

With all this good news, Rob and I keep reminding each other that we need to keep moving forward. Have we made a bunch of money? No. Have we put thousands of dollars and hours in to make AUPA into something? Yes.

After starting innumerable businesses both on our own and together, we really do believe that finding something you love, believe in, and can stick with will help you keep getting back up and trying trying again. And it’s really just part of who we are to question everything. To question the system. To question society. To question what true health is. And to seek the answers, even if it means testing it out ourselves.

For the present time we’ve got big dreams for the future of AUPA and we can’t wait for you to realize them with us. Check out the website and try out some bars.

Thanks for being Visionaries & Truth seekers with us.


-Jay Jay

Steps We Take To Make Our Bars Safe for YOU!

At AUPA, we prioritize safety in our kitchen above all else. Our commitment to safety is reflected in every aspect of our operations, from our fully compliant kitchen that meets all health and safety standards, to our pending USDA processing approval, to our use of state-of-the-art water activity measurement technology and our isotherm analysis which predicts our products shelf life.

JJ doing some cleaning in our new commercial kitchen! I’m (Rob) in the back taking the picture.

Our goal is to provide you with the tastiest and safest products possible, with the longest possible shelf life. By continually investing in the latest safety measures, we ensure that we are always providing you with the highest quality products that you can trust and give you the upmost confidence they won’t get you sick!

Transforming raw meat (specifically beef) into a shelf-stable bar that has a long shelf life requires careful and precise handling & processing. The handling & processing of meat presents several challenges, including bacteria, viruses, yeasts and parasites, that can cause foodborne illness. The most common pathogens found in raw meat include Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Campylobacter jejuni.

Illustration of various microorganisms.

At AUPA, we understand the importance of ensuring the safety of our products, which is why we implement a scientifically proven lethality process during meat preparation. This process guarantees the elimination of pathogens to levels that are safe and acceptable. By using this rigorous & repeatable process, we are able to provide our customers with products that are not only delicious but also safe to consume.

A fresh & safe Blueberry Almond AUPA bar.

Water Activity

Water activity is an important factor in the storage, preservation, and shelf life of food and pharmaceutical products. The aW (water activity) value of a product determines the available water in a product, which in turn affects the growth and survival of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and mold. In order to measure the water activity of a product, various instruments are used, one of which is the Aqualab 4TE Water Activity Meter.

AUPA has invested in an industry best AQUALAB 4TE water activity meter so each batch of AUPS bars is rigourously tested!

The Aqualab 4TE water activity meter is an industry standard and state-of-the-art meter used in food and pharmaceutical industries. We will also explore the concept of isotherm plots and how they relate to water activity, product safety, and shelf life.

What is the Aqualab 4TE Water Activity Meter?

The Aqualab 4TE Water Activity Meter is a handheld device designed for fast and accurate measurement of water activity in food, pharmaceuticals, and other products. The instrument uses a sophisticated sensor technology that measures the relative humidity (RH) of the air inside a sealed sample chamber. The Aqualab 4TE water activity meter is capable of measuring water activity in a range of 0.05 to 0.999 aW, with an accuracy of ±0.02 aW.

Applications of the Aqualab 4TE Water Activity Meter

The Aqualab 4TE water activity meter is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in academic research and quality control. In the food industry, water activity is an important factor in the preservation and storage of food products. The Aqualab 4TE is used to measure the water activity of food products such as fruits, vegetables, baked goods, confectioneries, and dried meat products. By measuring the water activity of food products, manufacturers can ensure that the products have a longer shelf life and are free from spoilage, contamination, and other quality problems.

In the pharmaceutical industry, water activity is an important factor in the stability and shelf life of drugs and other medical products. The Aqualab 4TE is used to measure the water activity of pharmaceutical products such as tablets, capsules, and creams. By measuring the water activity of pharmaceutical products, manufacturers can ensure that the products are stable, effective, and safe for use.

AUPA ensures all bar batches are consistent with a water activity below 0.6 aW to ensure safety and long shelf life. No microbes can grow under 0.6 aW. The table below shows the dangers of being above 0.6 aW.

Water activity (aW) values and corresponding microorganism growths.

If we didn’t invest in a state-of-the-art water activity meter, we would put the consumer at risk since the resultant water activity of individual batches can easily vary depending on incoming ingredients variability, processing variations and environmental conditions. Rest assure that each AUPA bar has been tested to ensure a rigorous compliance of less than 0.6 aW.

Isotherm Plots and Water Activity

Isotherm plots are graphical representations of the relationship between water activity and moisture content. An isotherm plot is a graph that shows the water activity of a product at different levels of moisture content. The x-axis represents the moisture content, and the y-axis represents the water activity.

Example isotherm of a product.

The shape of an isotherm plot can provide valuable information about the water activity of a product and its stability over time. For example, a steep isotherm plot indicates that the water activity of a product changes rapidly with changes in moisture content. This is an indication that the product is highly sensitive to changes in moisture content and may be subject to spoilage, contamination, or other quality problems.

On the other hand, a flat isotherm plot indicates that the water activity of a product changes slowly with changes in moisture content. This is an indication that the product is more stable and less prone to spoilage, contamination, or other quality problems.

AUPA is currently working the Meter Group advanced laboratory to generate an isotherm for each of our products. Armed with the information, we can use the exact water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of our packaging to provide you the best possible shelf life and safety. This is not a cheap endeavor, but we firmly believe the investment into this information will set us apart from any other competitors and provide you with an optimal product that will make you into a repeat customer!

Rob holding our new AQUALAB 4TE!